Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Regarding the scientific method, which statement is false?

a. inductive reasoning is used to form a hypothesis.

b. observations are used to form a hypothesis

c. experiments need to be repeatable

d. original hypothesis are formed after an experiment

e. the control and experimental group are identical except for one variableRegarding the scientific method, which statement is false?
D. original hypothesis are formed after an experiment

is the false statement. You form the original hypothesis before you experiment and you may choose to revise and restate your hypothesis after you've conducted your experiment.Regarding the scientific method, which statement is false?
d is NOT true In the scientific method observation are made which lead one to hypothesize what mechanism or pjenomenon resut in those observations. He/she states the ideas in a hypothesis which he/she then sets up experiments to test the validity of the hypothesis. If the experiements gfail to support the hypothesis the hypothesis is rejected or modified and retested and retested until accumulating evidence indicates that the hypothesis may be a valid model for the observations . Experiemnts are designed under the auspices of falsifiability..meaning there should be ample opportunity in the experiment to demonstrate the fallacy of the hypothesis.
D is false. You make your hypothesis before the experiment begins and after you conduct your initial research of the experiment.
D. Original Hypothesis is formed after the experiment.
d. original hypothesis are formed after an experiment
i dont know
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