Friday, February 12, 2010

Which statement about meandering rivers is false?

A Floods are common on meandering rivers.

B Oxbow lakes are often found near meandering rivers.

C The shape of a meandering river changes over time.

D Meandering rivers do not have levees because erosion occurs too rapidly.Which statement about meandering rivers is false?
D is false. Although it is true that erosion occurs rapidly on a meandering river (causing C to be true), there are levees. A meandering river normally has a large flood plain, and flood waters can easily overrun the banks (so A is true), and levees are necessary as a precaution, even if they would need to be moved over time to accomodate erosion. Oxbow lakes can only be found near meandering rivers, because they are themselves meanders whose own erosion processes cut them off from their parent rivers. Thus, B is true as well.Which statement about meandering rivers is false?
D is false.

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