Friday, February 12, 2010

Which of the following statement regarding genetic diversity is false?

A) Genetic diversity is enhanced by crossing over during diversity prophase 1 of meiosis.

B) Genetic diversity is enhanced by random fertilization.

C) Genetic diversity is enhanced by mitosis of somatic cells.

D) Genetic diversity is enhanced by random mutations of the DNA.

E) Genetic diversity is enhanced by independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase 1.Which of the following statement regarding genetic diversity is false?
The answer would most probably be C.

This statement is false since mitosis (equational division) does not contribute to genetic diversity. Remember that there is no crossing-over (gene shuffling) in mitosis unlike in meiosis.

A is correct. Crossing-over result in genetic diversity since there would be novel combinations of genes and traits.

B is also true. By random feretilization, we can maximize genetic heterogeneity, which would mean greater chance of genetic diversity.

D is true. Any changes brought about by mutation could increase genetic diversity.

E is also correct. Independent orientations could maximize genetic diversity.

Hope that helped...

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