Sunday, February 7, 2010

How can I make a doctor remove false statement from his website?

I have brachial plexus injury from ETS surgery. Dr claims on his site ';hes NEVER caused this to anyone';

I cant sue--in Texas--we have 2 years from date of injury to do so. Since he failed to disclose all side effects to me,I'm unable to sue.

I'm now disabled at 39 years of age.

I don't want anyone else to be hurt.

newscaster even exposed him鈥?/a>

I'm so angry..I hate living this way.

thanks in advanceHow can I make a doctor remove false statement from his website?
you should make a petition to your local senator telling him about this doctor's practice and why you feel this is necessary. You need a lot more proof than just a petition and this letter. I would recommend you to search online about any other people who might have complained about this doctor and talk with people around your community to see what's going on. I'm sorry that you had to suffer this way. If this guy actually done this on purpose, then he shouldn't be practicing like this. I'm happy to see that you are concern about other people seeing this doctor.=)How can I make a doctor remove false statement from his website?
Take it to the medical board. Call everyone in your state that deals with malpractice other than jeopardizing your court case. Report it to all the television and newspapers that will listen to you. I don't mean to say ruin his repetition or anything but don't let him do what he did to you to another person. Just get the word out that what he did is not safe and make him confess to his mistakes. I am sorry that this happened to you. Keep your head up and keep God in your heart,mind, body, and soul and this will not be bigger than you.
Move in with a relitive in another state and sue the crap out of him

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