Thursday, February 4, 2010

My neighbor made false statement in an injunction against harassment. What do I do to contest the lies?

I filed an injunction against my neighbor and she tried to have it dismissed but the judge did not see a good reason to do so. So it is still in effect. However my neighbor filed an injunction which is fine but all of her satements are totally false accusations. I want to do something about that, what can I do and be effective about the matter. You see I don't mind the injunction just the lies and false accusations bother me.My neighbor made false statement in an injunction against harassment. What do I do to contest the lies?
If you don't mind the injunction, then why bother? It's probably not worth the attorney's fees just to clear up the lies, and there is no other way to do it other than challenging the injunction.My neighbor made false statement in an injunction against harassment. What do I do to contest the lies?
Just go ahead and Kill the hag. I hate mean neighbors.

Report Abuse

Judge Judy
That's what cross-examination of the witness is for -- to shake loose the story. Plus you can present your own evidence to contradict. After that, it's up to the judge.
talk to you lawyer cause we don't know what your local laws are, you didn't say where you where from!
You need proof. Without proof, then the court will decide in favor of the person restraining you. It is very difficult to prove innocence but in civil matters, it is the job of the individual to do so. Criminal courts are the opposite, we assume innocence until guilt is proven. Proof must be tangible, not hearsay. The best thing to do is to have a mediator and work out the problem, as the animosity can escalate into something more serious. A clergyman is often a good way to approach the matter as he will be neutral and acceptable to both parties. Don't make it worse, try to resolve the problem.

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